The "Science of Reading" is a very hot topic in literacy, and the International Literacy Association has devoted the most recent issue of its September/October magazine Literacy Today, the next two issues of its journal Reading Research Quarterly, and an ILA Intensive to exploring the topic's many angles. Part of the offerings include "Making Sense of the Science of Reading," a seminar taking place Thursday, September 17 from 1 to 4 p.m. ET. The registration fee for ILA members is $99 USD. The term science of reading (SOR) is often invoked in discussions regarding literacy research, policy, and practice. But what exactly does SOR encompass—and why is it so difficult to define? Be sure to browse through the ILA's Executive Summary of Reading Research Quarterly's special issue on the Science of Reading. The executive summary highlights key findings and provides summaries for the articles that will appear in RRQ. Consider sharing snippets with your colleagues in staff newsletters, staff meetings, and PLC sessions. ILA also has a number of free events that explore the science of reading and other timely topics. Their recent webinars have been quite inspirational – check out the free recordings when you have a moment! Check back soon for a post about the recent webinar Literacy Teaching in Turbulent Times with Jonah Edelman, Nell Duke and Ernest Morrell, one that we would highly recommend. Finally, there is no in-person ILA meeting this year. Instead, ILA will host "ILA Next," a digital conference that will be held throughout October. ILA recently announced that its members will be able to access the whole conference for a reduced rate of $99 US, which includes access to session recordings. Comments are closed.
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July 2024