Well, 2020 has been a most amazing year. Never did we think that we would be working on a completely new way to teach in the midst of a global pandemic. Some of us feel like novice teachers again, searching for new strategies and approaches online while striving to learn effective ways to teach remotely or to do blended learning. There are so many challenges to overcome and questions to address. The current world situation is demanding a new pedagogy. We need to look for new ways to collaborate with families in our educational endeavours. How do we build meaningful relationships with all our students and their families? How will we engage all learners? How will we sustain student interest? Then, how do we differentiate instruction online and afterwards? We have been searching for resources online that will give us effective ways to teach remotely. Here is our list of resources for you to consider for your professional reading and future practice. Heinemann & Pearson CanadaJennifer Serravallo will be presenting for the Reading Council of Greater Winnipeg on her new book that addresses strategies for distance learning. Registration is still open for this Wednesday, February 17, 2021, after-school session. Thanks to our colleagues at Pearson Canada, which distributes Heinemann's publications in Canada, you can order a copy of Serravallo's book online and receive free shipping with the promotional code LEARN! ASCDASCD has developed a helpful series of short informational webinars on a variety of topics related to virtual teaching that are led by ASCD Faculty and other experts. ASCD Webbies include ideas for creating conversational norms and how to set concrete expectations in an online learning community. They seem to be regularly adding to the range of topics. ASCD has devoted the entire Educational Leadership journal for December 2020 and January 2021 to the theme of Mental Health for Educators. During the summer, another issue of Educational Leadership was entitled A New Reality: Getting Remote Learning Right and featured several practical and insightful articles. It is now online and free to readers. Corwin CanadaCorwin Canada is an important source for print and video resources for distance learning. Visit their website to see several books and resources on distance and blended learning for educators. You can preview the Table of Contents for the latest books dealing with distance and blending teaching and learning. Doug Fisher and Nancy Frey have collaborated with John Hattie on The Distance Learning Playbook, which is published by Corwin. The Distance Learning Playbook, Grade K-12 has already become a bestseller! There are several individual volumes that address the specific needs of classroom teachers, teacher leaders and parents. Fisher and Frey also provided engaging workshops online at the ILA Next conference as well as on YouTube that really spiked interest in reading their print version. Check the newly refreshed Fisher and Frey website for a comprehensive list of valuable resources and their dynamic podcasts and video recordings that they have done in collaboration with a variety of organizations. Teaching ChannelTeaching Channel is a dynamic American online community where educators K–12 can observe, share and learn different teaching techniques. They have recently expanded access to many online professional development videos to facilitate virtual instruction. After ILA's Literacy Next, they offered a series of free webinars with people like Doug Fisher, Nancy Frey, and Doug Lemov. Teaching Channel also offers a subscription that one can pay to access many online teaching videos. There are also formal courses where educators pay tuition to learn new pedagogical strategies and techniques to improve their practice. Learn more at www.teachingchannel.com. ILA & NCTEThe International Literacy Association (ILA) and the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) continue to collaborate on the ReadWriteThink website, a goldmine of lesson plans, strategies, interactives and after school activities for teachers, students and parents. See the NCTE’s comprehensive compilation of online professional learning resources for teachers, students and parents. There are many digital tools that you will want to know about!
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