Congratulations, educators! Summer is here. The RCGW Board of Directors hopes your summer is filled with rest and relaxation. Here's what we are reading this summer to unwind. Enjoy! For Kids
For Adults
Professional Reads
Thanks to Andrew Crawford, Donna Copsey Haydey, Donna Hardman, Jackie Parsons, and Jon Sorokowski for their recommendations.
The Reading Council of Greater Winnipeg is proud to announce Karen Filewych as our MTS PD Day 2021 speaker! We look forward to Karen leading us through a full day of virtual learning on Friday, October 22, 2021. Karen is an Alberta-based educator and has twenty-five years of experience in the classroom and as a school leader. During her full-day virtual session, How Do I Get Them to Write?, Karen will offer K-8 teacher many practical strategies to empower all our students to improve their written expression. Together, we can collaborate to enhance the teaching of the writing processes K-8 in Manitoba. Download Karen's free study guides for her books on writing: Freewriting with Purpose (2019) and How Do I Get Them to Write? (2017), both available from our Canadian colleagues at Pembroke Publishers. Karen's Instagram features excellent book recommendations, and her frequently updated blog offers helpful and timely suggestions. Mark your calendars and prepare to register after September 1 through MTS My Profile. More information about registration fees and logistics will follow in August. Written by Carol Hryniuk-Adamov, RCGW Member-at-Large Here are some book suggestions for Summer Reading that explore Indigenous perspectives written by Indigenous authors. Support your local public library and bookseller! Sandra Janzen, a reading clinician and Manitoba Council of Reading Clinicians (MCRC) representative to our provincial Manitoba Reading Association (MRA), and I have been previewing these for an MRA project in inner-city schools. Sandra made the original selection at our local bookstore. As I quickly previewed the books, I became so excited. I wanted to read and share each book with other readers and educators. So this summer, I hope to do a more in-depth reading of these picture books and graphic novels with my grandsons and their cousins at the cabin. As I quickly previewed the books, I was so tempted to think about ways the books could be used in classrooms, at various levels. Some may be great choices for future read alouds or literature circles in your classrooms, at different levels. Older students can do an in-depth genre study of some of these picture books and graphic novels. Some readers could also practise these books to build confidence and fluency so they can share the books in performance reading, as guest readers/volunteers for a practicum or simple prearranged visit to a nearby elementary school in the future. This could become a collaborative, I Love to Read month project February. Most of these books are also beautifully illustrated and provide thought-provoking images. They evoke a range of emotions, thoughts, and discussions. These illustrations deserve further study, as we look more in-depth at the powerful representation by the artists. Some of the illustrators are also award-winning Indigenous artists.
These books are informal reading suggestions for your consideration this summer and are not in any preferential order. Enjoy your summer reading with your family! The Reading Council of Greater Winnipeg and the Manitoba Reading Association joined together to honour literacy leaders from around Manitoba at their annual awards evening, held virtually at the end of May 2021. Holly Cumming was awarded the International Literacy Association's Celebrate Literacy Award in recognition of her passion, dedication, and commitment to literacy. Holly recently retired from her role as a Reading Recovery Teacher Leader. Over her 40-plus-year career, she facilitated, coordinated, and presented and numerous conferences locally, nationally, and internationally. Congratulations, Holly! The Certificate of Merit was awarded to Talia Paetsch, a first-year teacher at the New Directions Inc. School, which supports sexually exploited girls and women. She centres strategic literacy in her teaching and finds creative ways to make learning relevant to her students. Her approach engages her students and keeps them coming to school, reducing their safety risks and increasing their opportunities for graduation. Congratulations, Talia! RCGW Scholarships were awarded to Jessica Neudorf and Carrie Miller, students at the University of Manitoba. Jessica's scholarship citation described how she sees literacy's role in empowering students to express their voice and advocacy. Carrie's explored the importance of language, student needs, and supports for refugee and newcomer students. Read more about these exemplary new teachers. Congratulations, Jessica and Carrie! The Reading Council of Greater Winnipeg welcomes award nominations each year. The nominations package for next school year's awards will be available in the fall. |
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